libsir 2.2.5
Standard Incident Reporter
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Csir::adapterDefines the abstract interface for an adapter, which ultimately becomes a public base class of logger (there can be more than one)
 Csir::boost_format_adapter< TPolicy >Adapter for boost::format (when available)
 Csir::default_adapter< TPolicy >The default adapter implementation
 Csir::fmt_format_adapter< TPolicy >Adapter for {fmt} (when available)
 Csir::std_format_adapter< TPolicy >Adapter for std::format (when available)
 Csir::std_iostream_adapter< TPolicy >Provides a std::iostream interface to libsir's logging functions
 Csir::errorContains basic information about an error
 Csir::error_infoContains all available information about an error
 Csir::exceptionThe exception type thrown by libsir
 Csir::logger< RAII, TPolicy, TAdapters >The primary C++ interface to libsir
 Csir::policyDefines the partially abstract interface for a policy which controls the behavior of logger at runtime
 Csir::default_policyIn the event that no custom configuration or behavior is desired, provides defaults for everything
 Csir_cl_argA command line argument
 Csir_cl_configShared command line configuration
 Csir_errorinfoInformation about an error that occurred
 Csir_level_str_pairsir_level <-> human-readable string form
 Csir_level_style_tuplesir_level <-> sir_textstyle mapping
 Csir_pluginInternally-used plugin module data
 Csir_plugincachePlugin module cache
 Csir_pluginifacev1Plugin interface for v1
 Csir_plugininfoThe libsir-to-plugin query data structure
 Csir_queueFIFO queue
 Csir_queue_nodeA node in a sir_queue
 Csir_stdio_destConfiguration for stdio destinations (stdout and stderr)
 Csir_syslog_destConfiguration for the system logger destination
 Csir_syslog_dest._stateReserved for internal use; do not modify
 Csir_testMaps a test function to a human-readable name and some metadata
 Csir_text_style_dataContainer for text style related data that is mutex protected
 Csir_textstyleContainer for all the information associated with the appearance of text in the context of stdio
 Csir_thread_errPer-thread error type
 Csir_threadpoolThread pool/job queue data container
 Csir_threadpool_jobJob used by a job queue
 Csir_timeInternally-used time value type
 Csir_update_config_dataEncapsulates dynamic updating of current configuration
 CsirbufFormatted output container
 CsirconfigInternally-used global config container
 Csirconfig.state.lastSpam squelch state data
 CsirfcacheLog file cache
 CsirfileInternally-used log file data
 CsirinitLibsir initialization and configuration data